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Topic outline
Our Handbook focuses on distance learning in prisons, the importance of maintaining and the right to education, and promoting social reintegration.
In this module we will explain what distance learning is, concepts and how it works, how pandemic affect distance learning, some advantages and disadvantages and the future!
Watch the video of expert Marco Neves talking about AI in Education.
In this module we will explain what distance learning in prisons and how it works, why is importante, where is implemented in portugal and europe and the future!
Check out this article on "Smart Prisons" that offers various activities to inmates, and the latest new services are related to the use, learning, and training of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In this module we will explain and give you some tips on good practices in distance learning!
Watch this video about learning with artificial intelligence and the benefits in education!
In this final module you will be able to understand and evaluate what you have learned in the course!